Attosecond Quantum Physics
@King's College London

Publication Highlights
Chromatic aberrations correction of attosecond high-order harmonic beams by flat-top spatial shaping of the fundamental beam
K Veyrinas, M Plach, J Peschel, M Hoflund, F Catoire, C Valentin, P Smorenburg, H Dacasa, S Maclot, C Guo, H Wikmark, A Zaïr, V Strelkov, C Picot, C Arnold, P Eng-Johnsson, A L’Huillier, E Mével, E Constant
New Journal of Physics 25 (2) 023017 (2023)
Temporal characterization of long quantum-path high harmonics
A Carpeggiani, B Bodi, ES Skantzakis, JWG Tisch, JP Marangos, D Charalambidis, P Tzallas, A Zair
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.11259
High Harmonic Generation in Two-Dimensional Mott Insulators
Christopher Orthodoxou, Amelle Zaïr, George H Booth
Nature Partner Journal: Quantum Materials volume 6, Article number: 76 (2021)
Generation of high-order harmonics with tunable photon energy and spectral width using double pulses
Lénárd Gulyás Oldal, Tamás Csizmadia, Peng Ye, Nandiga Gopalakrishna Harshitha, Amelle Zaïr, Subhendu Kahaly, Katalin Varjú, Miklós Füle, Balázs Major
Physical Review A. 102, 1, 013504. DOIs:
Attosecond pulse generation at ELI-ALPS 100 kHz repetition rate beamline
Peng Ye, Tamás Csizmadia, Lénárd Gulyás Oldal, Harshitha Nandiga Gopalakrishna, Miklós Füle, Zoltán Filus, Balázs Nagyillés, Zsolt Divéki, Tímea Grósz, Mathieu Dumergue, Péter Jójárt, Imre Seres, Zsolt Bengery, Viktor Zuba, Zoltán Várallyay, Balázs Major, Fabio Frassetto, Michele Devetta, Giacinto Davide Lucarelli, Matteo Lucchini, Bruno Moio, Salvatore Stagira, Caterina Vozzi, Luca Poletto, Mauro Nisoli, Dimitris Charalambidis, Subhendu Kahaly, Amelle Zaïr, Katalin Varjú.
Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics. 53, 15, 154004. DOIs:
Double-pulse characterization by self-referenced spectral interferometry
Gulyás Oldal, L., Csizmadia, T., Ye, P., Harshitha, N. G., Fule, M. & Zair, A.
Symphony on strong field approximation
Amini, K., Biegert, J., Calegari, F., Chacón, A., Ciappina, M. F., Dauphin, A., Efimov, D. K., Figueira De Morisson Faria, C., Giergiel, K., Gniewek, P., Landsman, A., Lesiuk, M., Mandrysz, M., Maxwell, A. S., Moszynski, R., Ortmann, L., Perez-hernandez, J. A., Picon, A., Pisanty, E., Prauzner-bechcicki, J. S. & 5 others, Sacha, K., Suárez, N., Zair, A., Zakrzewski, J. & Lewenstein, M.
REPORTS ON PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 82, 11, 1 p., 116001. DOIs:
Chirp-control of resonant high-order harmonic generation in indium ablation plumes driven by intense few-cycle laser pulses
Z Abdelrahman, MA Khokhlova, DJ Walke, T Witting, A Zair, VV Strelkov, JP Marangos, JWG Tisch
Optics express 26, 12, 15745-15758
Ultrastable collinear delay control setup for attosecond IR-XUV pump–probe experiment
A Zaïr, E Mével, E Cormier, Eric Constant
JOSA B 35,5 A110-A115
Attosecond physics at the nanoscale
Zair, A., Ciappina, M. F., Perez-Hernandez, J. A., Landsman, A. S., Okell, W. A., Zherebtsov, S., Forg, B., Schotz, J., Seiffert, L., Fennel, T., Shaaran, T., Zimmerman, T., Chacon, A., Guichard, R., Tisch, J. W. G., Marangos, J. P., Witting, T., Braun, A., Maier, S. A., Roso, L. & 5 others, Kruger, M., Hommelhoff, P., Kling, M. F., Krausz, F. & Lewenstein, M., May 2017,
Compensation of high order harmonic long quantum-path attosecond chirp
Guichard, R., Caillat, J., Lévêque, C., Risoud, F., Maquet, A., Taïeb, R. & Zaïr, A., 1 Dec 2017,
In: Journal Of Optics. 19, 12, 124011. DOIs:
Attosecond physics at the nanoscale
Zair, A., Ciappina, M. F., Perez-Hernandez, J. A., Landsman, A. S., Okell, W. A., Zherebtsov, S., Forg, B., Schotz, J., Seiffert, L., Fennel, T., Shaaran, T., Zimmerman, T., Chacon, A., Guichard, R., Tisch, J. W. G., Marangos, J. P., Witting, T., Braun, A., Maier, S. A., Roso, L. & 5 others, , May 2017,
High-order harmonic generation driven by plasmonic fields: a new route towards the generation of UV and XUV photons?
Marcello F Ciappina, JA Pérez-Hernández, L Roso, A Zaïr, Maciej Lewenstein
Journal of Physics 601, 1, 012001
Optimization of Quantum Trajectories Driven by Strong-Field Waveforms
S Haessler, T Balčiūnas, G Fan, T Witting, R Squibb, L Chipperfield, A Zaïr, G Andriukaitis, A Pugžlys, JWG Tisch, JP Marangos, A Baltuška
Ultrafast Phenomena XIX 72-77
High-order harmonic generation at high laser intensities beyond the tunnel regime
JA Pérez-Hernández, MF Ciappina, M Lewenstein, A Zaïr, L Roso
European Physical Journal D. 68, 7, 195.
Optimization of Quantum Trajectories Driven by Strong-Field Waveforms
Haessler, S., Balčiunas, T., Fan, G., Andriukaitis, G., Pugžlys, A., Baltuška, A., Witting, T., Squibb, R., Zair, A., Tisch, J. W. G., Marangos, J. P. & Chipperfield, L. E., J.
Physical Review X. 4, 2, p. 021028-1-021028-9 021028.
Near infrared few-cycle pulses for high harmonic generation
Steffen Driever, Konstantin B Holzner, Jean-Christophe Delagnes, Nikita Fedorov, Martin Arnold, Damien Bigourd, Frédéric Burgy, Dominique Descamps, Eric Cormier, Roland Guichard, Eric Constant, Amelle Zaïr
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 47, 20, 204013
Electron trajectory control of odd and even order harmonics in high harmonic generation using an orthogonally polarised second harmonic field
C Hutchison, S Houver, N Lin, DJ Hoffmann, F McGrath, T Siegel, ...
Journal of Modern Optics 61 (7), 608-614
Study of few-cycle pulse generation via filamentation in the 1.6 um to 2 um region to drive High Harmonic Generation experiments
S Driever, JC Delagnes, N Fedorov, M Arnold, K Holzner, F Burgy, ...
Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XVIII 8984, 89841E2014
Extending HHG spectroscopy to new molecular species
F McGrath, P Hawkins, E Simpson, T Siegel, Z Diveki, D Austin, A Zair, ...
Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XVIII 8984, 89841B12014
Study of filamentation compression in the near infrared in the 1.6 μm to 2 μm region for HHG experiments
S Driever, JC Delagnes, N Fedorov, M Arnold, K Holzner, F Burgy, ...
Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XVIII 8984, 89841E2014
Control of temporal mapping and harmonic intensity modulation using two-color orthogonally polarized fields
DJ Hoffmann, C Hutchison, A Zaïr, JP Marangos
Physical Review A 89 (2), 023423 182014
High energy photoelectron emission from gases using plasmonic enhanced near-fields
MF Ciappina, T Shaaran, R Guichard, JA Pérez-Hernández, L Roso, ...
Laser Physics Letters 10 (10), 105302 252013
Attosecond Steering of Electrons with Optimised Strong Field Waveforms
S Haessler, G Andriukaitis, R Squibb, A Pugžlys, T Balčiūnas, JWG Tisch, ...
Phys. Rev. X 4 (arXiv: 1308.5510), 021028 2013
Towards isolated attosecond pulses at megahertz repetition rates
M Krebs, S Hädrich, S Demmler, J Rothhardt, A Zaïr, L Chipperfield, ...
Nature photonics 7 (7), 555-559 131 2013
Tunable 1.6–2 μm near infrared few-cycle pulse generation by filamentation
S Driever, D Bigourd, N Fedorov, M Cornet, M Arnold, F Burgy, S Montant, ...
Applied Physics Letters 102 (19), 191119 19 2013
High-order-harmonic generation by enhanced plasmonic near-fields in metal nanoparticles
T Shaaran, MF Ciappina, R Guichard, JA Pérez-Hernández, L Roso, ...
Physical Review A 87 (4), 041402 822013
Molecular internal dynamics studied by quantum path interferences in high order harmonic generation
A Zaïr, T Siegel, S Sukiasyan, F Risoud, L Brugnera, C Hutchison, ...
Chemical Physics 414, 184-191 292013
Beyond Carbon -Edge Harmonic Emission Using a Spatial and Temporal Synthesized Laser Field
JA Pérez-Hernández, MF Ciappina, M Lewenstein, L Roso, A Zaïr
Physical review letters 110 (5), 053001 1122013
Toward a “Perfect-Wave” HHG Driving With a Multicolor OPA
T Balčiūnas, S Haessler, GY Fan, G Andriukaitis, A Pugžlys, A Baltuška, ...
EPJ Web of Conferences 41, 01017 12013
Comparison of high-order harmonic generation in uracil and thymine ablation plumes
C Hutchison, RA Ganeev, M Castillejo, I Lopez-Quintas, A Zaïr, SJ Weber, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (29), 12308-12313 252013
Attosecond physics
L Plaja, R Torres, A Zaïr
Springer Series in Optical Sciences 177 462013
High-order harmonic generation in fullerenes using few-and multi-cycle pulses of different wavelengths
RA Ganeev, C Hutchison, T Witting, F Frank, S Weber, WA Okell, ...JOSA B 30 (1), 7-12 412013
Isolated sub-fs XUV pulse generation in Mn plasma ablation
RA Ganeev, T Witting, C Hutchison, F Frank, M Tudorovskaya, M Lein, ...
Optics express 20 (23), 25239-25248 412012
High-order harmonic generation in graphite plasma plumes using ultrashort laser pulses: a systematic analysis of harmonic radiation and plasma conditions
RA Ganeev, C Hutchison, T Witting, F Frank, WA Okell, A Zaïr, S Weber, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 45 (16), 165402 592012
Experimental and theoretical studies of two-color-pump resonance-induced enhancement of odd and even harmonics from a tin plasma
RA Ganeev, VV Strelkov, C Hutchison, A Zaïr, D Kilbane, MA Khokhlova, ...
Physical Review A 85 (2), 023832 742012
Enhancement of high harmonics from plasmas using two-color pump and chirp variation of 1 kHz Ti: sapphire laser pulses
RA Ganeev, C Hutchison, A Zaïr, T Witting, F Frank, WA Okell, JWG Tisch, ...
Optics express 20 (1), 90-100 442012
Development of High Power Infrared Optical Parametric Amplification Laser System Seeded by Self-difference Frequency Generation Pulses
T Kanai, S Weber, A Zaïr, C Hutchison, T Siegel, M Oppermann, ...
Multiphoton Processes and Attosecond Physics, 45-47 2012
Trajectory selection in high harmonic generation by controlling the phase between orthogonal two-color fields
L Brugnera, DJ Hoffmann, T Siegel, F Frank, A Zair, JWG Tisch, ...
Physical review letters 107 (15), 153902 1022011
Valley in the efficiency of the high-order harmonic yield at ultra-high laser intensities
JA Pérez-Hernández, L Roso, A Zaïr, L Plaja
Optics express 19 (20), 19430-19439 112011
Quantum path signatures in harmonic spectra from metal plasma
RA Ganeev, C Hutchison, T Siegel, A Zaïr, JP Marangos
Physical Review A 83 (6), 063837 182011
High-order harmonic generation from metal plasmas using 1 kHz laser pulses
RA Ganeev, C Hutchison, T Siegel, ME López-Arias, A Zaïr, JP Marangos
Journal of Modern Optics 58 (10), 819-824 172011
Self-compression controlled by the chirp of the input pulse
O Varela, B Alonso, IJ Sola, J San Román, A Zaïr, C Méndez, L Roso
Optics letters 35 (21), 3649-3651 322010
Energy scaling-up of stable single filament
B Alonso, O Varela, IJ Sola, J San Román, A Zaïr, C Méndez, L Roso
Applied Physics B 101 (1), 15-22 52010
Femtosecond multi-filamentation control by mixture of gases: towards synthesised nonlinearity
B Alonso, A Zaïr, J San Román, O Varela, L Roso
Optics express 18 (15), 15467-15474 92010
Pulse-length dependence of the anisotropy of laser-driven cluster explosions: Transition to the impulsive regime for pulses approaching the few-cycle limit
E Skopalová, YC El-Taha, A Zaïr, M Hohenberger, E Springate, ...
Physical review letters 104 (20), 203401 532010
Spatiotemporal amplitude-and-phase reconstruction by Fourier-transform of interference spectra of high-complex-beams
B Alonso, ÍJ Sola, Ó Varela, J Hernández-Toro, C Méndez, J San Román, ...
JOSA B 27 (5), 933-940 702010
High harmonic emission from a superposition of multiple unrelated frequency fields
T Siegel, R Torres, DJ Hoffmann, L Brugnera, I Procino, A Zaïr, ...
Optics express 18 (7), 6853-6862 462010
Spatial fingerprint of quantum path interferences in high order harmonic generation
F Schapper, M Holler, T Auguste, A Zaïr, M Weger, P Salières, L Gallmann, ...
Optics express 18 (3), 2987-2994 382010
High harmonic emission from a superposition of multiple unrelated frequency field
T Siegel, R Torres, DJ Hoffmann, L Brugnera, I Procino, A Zaır
Opt. Express 18, 6853-6862 22010
Spatio-temporal characterization of laser pulses by spatially resolved spectral interferometry
B Alonso, IJ Sola, O Varela, C Méndez, I Arias, J San Román, A Zaïr, ...
Opt. Pura Apl. 43, 1-7 42010
Shaping of attosecond pulses by phase-stabilized polarization gating
G Sansone, E Benedetti, JP Caumes, S Stagira, C Vozzi, M Nisoli, ...
Physical Review A 80 (6), 063837 472009
Theoretical and experimental analysis of quantum path interferences in high-order harmonic generation
T Auguste, P Salières, AS Wyatt, A Monmayrant, IA Walmsley, E Cormier, ...
Physical Review A 80 (3), 033817 562009
Direct observation of quantum-path interferences in high order harmonic generation
E Cormier, A Zaïr, M Holler, F Schapper, U Keller, A Wyatt, A Monmayrant, ...
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 175 (1), 191-194 12009
Extension of the cut-off in high-harmonic generation using two delayed pulses of the same colour
JA Pérez-Hernández, DJ Hoffmann, A Zaïr, LE Chipperfield, L Plaja, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 42 (13), 134004 272009
Ionization effects on spectral signatures of quantum-path interference in high-harmonic generation
M Holler, A Zaïr, F Schapper, T Auguste, E Cormier, A Wyatt, ...
Optics express 17 (7), 5716-5722 232009
Above-millijoule super-continuum generation using polarisation dependent filamentation in atoms and molecules
O Varela, A Zaïr, J San Roman, B Alonso, IJ Sola, C Prieto, L Roso
Optics Express 17 (5), 3630-3639 332009
Study of quantum-path interferences in the high harmonic generation process
A Zaïr, M Holler, F Schapper, L Gallmann, A Wyatt, A Monmayrant, ...
Ultrafast Phenomena XVI, 27-29 2009
Quantum path interferences in high-order harmonic generation
A Zair, M Holler, A Guandalini, F Schapper, J Biegert, L Gallmann, ...
Physical review letters 100 (14), 143902 2062008
Spatio-temporal characterization of few-cycle pulses obtained by filamentation
A Zaïr, A Guandalini, F Schapper, M Holler, J Biegert, L Gallmann, ...
Optics express 15 (9), 5394-5405 1492007
Temporal and spectral studies of high-order harmonics generated by polarization-modulated infrared fields
IJ Sola, A Zaïr, R López-Martens, P Johnsson, K Varju, E Cormier, ...
Physical Review A 74 (1), 013810 212006
Production et caractérisation d'impulsions attosecondes VUV par génération d'harmoniques d'ordre élevé.
A Zaïr
Université Sciences et Technologies-Bordeaux I 32006
Attosecond pulses generation with an ellipticity-modulated laser pulse
V Strelkov, A Zaïr, O Tcherbakoff, R Lopez-Martens, E Cormier, E Mével, ...
Laser physics 15 (6), 871-879 32005
Experimental studies of attosecond pulse trains
K Varju, P Johnsson, R Lopez-Martens, T Remetter, E Gustafsson, ...
Laser physics 15 (6), 888-898 402005
Single attosecond pulse production with an ellipticity-modulated driving IR pulse
V Strelkov, A Zaïr, O Tcherbakoff, R López-Martens, E Cormier, E Mével, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 38 (10), L161 402005
Time-resolved ellipticity gating of high-order harmonic emission
R López-Martens, J Mauritsson, P Johnsson, A L’Huillier, O Tcherbakoff, ...
Physical Review A 69 (5), 053811 392004
Time-resolved measurements of high order harmonics confined by polarization gating
A Zair, O Tcherbakoff, E Mével, E Constant, R López-Martens, J Mauritsson, ...
Applied Physics B 78 (7), 869-872 162004
Generation of attosecond pulses with ellipticity-modulated fundamental
V Strelkov, A Zair, O Tcherbakoff, R López-Martens, E Cormier, E Mével, ...
Applied Physics B 78 (7), 879-884 392004
Toward sub-femtosecond pump-probe experiments: A dispersionless autocorrelator with attosecond resolution
E Constant, E Mével, A Zaïr, V Bagnoud, F Salin
Le Journal de Physique IV 11 (PR2), Pr2-537-Pr2-540 192001